Tuesday 26 July 2011

Window Covering Accessories

The world of window treatments goes beyond curtains and blinds. There are entire lines of accessories. If you thought the only additions to your rooms that window treatments made were some blinds for privacy and a flashy fabric to add visual appeal, then you'll enjoy this article! There is an entire line of accessories for curtains that anyone trying to dress up a room with some inexpensive techniques should know about.
Curtain Tie Backs
Do you ever walk into a room and notice the beautiful swoop of curtains that are open and tied back? If you're looking to create this elegant touch with your curtains, you have a few different options. Thick cording with tassel ends tends to be popular tie back. You can also buy various different hooks that mount on the wall. Some hooks are larger, intended to hold the entire curtain panel back on its own while others are smaller and meant to hold the curtain tie in place.

You can also buy decorative knobs to attach to the end of your blind pulls. These add a touch of class to the functional style of blinds or any other curtains that are controlled with a pull. There are also wrought iron draw rods. Instead of a string, rope or chain, these pull rods are solid. They are the most unique of the pulls and can really catch the eye.
If you're looking for curtains to dress up a room and don't want something as plain as a solid fabric, or as flashy as a floral or pattern, trimmings might be the answer for you. You can have trimmings added to the edge of your curtains. Trimmings can be as simple as a braided or cord edge or as elaborate as tasseled or bobbled fringe. This is a simple decorating option that I believe is often overlooked.
Coordinating Options
Many places offer services that will make decorative throw pillows or head boards to match your curtain choice. This is a nice thoughtful touch to any room. If you've found that fabric that gives a room that special something that makes people stop and compliment your savvy decorating eye, than why not have that same fabric turned into some pillows or a table runner? This is a fantastic way tie a room together with consistent flow.

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